Diplôme d’État de professeur de danse
This pedagogical and artistic degree prepares teachers capable of providing quality teaching that is open to current issues. This diploma leads the way to teaching in public institutions such as conservatories, as well as in private institutions such as associations or other structures dedicated to dance.
The Diplôme d’État de professeur de danse (2-year university degree in dance) is registered in the national directory of professional certifications at level 5 (bac +2) according to the inter-ministerial nomenclature of certification levels. It gives access to competitive examinations for the Territorial Public Service.
- DE only
- DE + degree in performing arts course with a focus on dance in partnership with the CRR de Toulouse and the Université Toulouse — Jean Jaurès (UT2J).
- Classic
- Contemporary
- Jazz
Access routes
- Initial training
- Continuing education
- Accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL).

Course and objectives
The DE dance teacher course at the isdaT is structured in teaching units (UE) and is enriched by reinforcement courses, thus offering more than 1300 hours of training spread over a two-year period.
First year
The first year is geared towards enriching personal culture and artistic practice.
It is made up of 3 UEs:
- UE1 History of dance & choreographic culture: over 100 hours of lessons, workshops, performance analysis and repertoire transmission courses.
- UE2 Musical training: approximately 170 hours of lessons, practice of body percussion and transversal training with musicians.
- UE3 Anatomy-Physiology: 80 hours devoted to the knowledge of the functioning of the human body.
In addition to the initial training for the Diplôme d’État de professeur de danse (DE), the isdaT also proposes:
- Regular training for dancers (ERDD): 4 times a week.
- Introduction to dance workshops: approximately 40 hours.
- Workshops, improvisation, composition and transmission of repertoire.
Second year
The second year provides teaching linked to the question of transmission and dance pedagogy.
- UE4 Pedagogy, approximately 580 hours including:
— A workshop on technical development pedagogy with a certified trainer.
— A tutorial with a dance teacher from a conservatory, private dance school or association.
— Intensive workshops in AFCMD (Functional Analysis of the Body in Danced Movement): approximately 120 hours
— Musical training specific to the transmission of the dance movement.
In addition to the initial training for the Diplôme d’État de professeur de danse (DE), the isdaT also proposes:
- Regular Dancer Training (ERDD): 4 times a week.
- Workshops, improvisation, composition and repertoire transmission.
- Workshop on the regulations of the profession with a view to professional integration.
- Preparation for the final evaluations through exam situations, identical to the final exams.

Dance department pedagogy
The dance department of the isdaT trains dancers capable of conducting dance lessons, improvisation and composition workshops for children and adults at all levels of the curriculum in contemporary, jazz and classic disciplines.
Find out more about the pedagogy of the dance department.

Gap year
The isdaT allows its students to benefit from a so-called “gap” period. This period allows the student to temporarily and voluntarily suspend their studies in order to acquire personal or professional experience, either independently or supervised in a host organisation in France or abroad.
The gap can take 4 forms:
- training in a different field from the original field at the time of registration,
- experience in a professional environment,
- civic service commitment,
- project to create an activity as a student entrepreneur.
The gap period lasts for one year and always coincides with the start of the school year. It concerns students regularly registered at isdaT, during their studies. Accessible at the end of the 1st year.

Administrative staff
Director of dance studies
Marion Muzac
Coordination of dance studies and EAT
Marie-Laure Vanderbeken
+33 (0)5 31 47 19 41
Administrative assistant and EAT
Katerina Atroshenko
+33 (0)5 31 47 19 42
VAE (APEL) and continuing education
Naïg Morcel
+33 (0)5 34 30 93 82
Educational staff