Toulouse University
Toulouse University — Université de Toulouse is a higher education and research establishment at the service of science and society, bringing together 15 higher education establishments in the Toulouse academy, spread over 11 towns and 8 departments.
With one of the strongest academic communities in France, Toulouse University is heir to the academic and scientific traditions of European humanism, built on the dialogue of knowledge and attached to the Toulouse and Occitan territories.
The founding institutions, through their creation and their investment, the member institutions and the national research organizations and partners, through their participation, mark their common desire to build Toulouse University together, on the basis of the values that form its identity.
The partnership forged with Toulouse University enables isdaT students to benefit from a range of services linked to student life, health, housing, international mobility…
The Toulouse University team is available to advise and inform students regarding finding and renting accommodation, cultural and sporting offers, modes of transport, attending to students with disabilities, job search support, self-care, fostering community initiatives, discovering training offers.
In collaboration with Toulouse University, and throughout the student year, isdaT offers a French course to all foreign students who do not master the French language.
Through the services of SIMPPS, isdaT offers a health check-up to all first-time students.

Welcome Desk
Within Toulouse University, the Welcome Desk offers students assistance concerning administrative procedures; it offers assistance for the following structures and associated services.
- Caisse d’Allocations Familiales de Haute-Garonne,
- Préfecture de la Haute-Garonne (by appointment),
- CIO (Centre d’Information et d’Orientation) du Supérieur de l’Académie de Toulouse,
- Rectorat de l’Académie de Toulouse,
- Crous de Toulouse — Occitanie.
- Toul Box “Welcome”: a comprehensive and personalized welcome service made available to students moving to Toulouse, familiarizing students with expected procedures as much as possible (online registration and purchase).
- Language learning: students have access to language courses (French, English, Spanish, Italian, etc.). Group according to level, cost 100€ for one semester of evening classes, to be paid by the student with the possibility of intensive lessons during holiday periods.
- Mouv’Box service package: support for students in their search for funding and help in setting up a file for international exchanges thanks to the service package, cost 70€.
Welcome Desk
Université de Toulouse
41 allées Jules Guesde — CS 61321
31013 Toulouse Cedex 6
+33 (0)5 61 14 80 10

Pépite ECRIN
Regional centre for the promotion and support of student entrepreneurship, supported by the Université de Toulouse.
Objective: to support all students with an entrepreneurial project, irrespective of their home institution, their training or the industry of their project. The entrepreneurship coordinators in the institution act as points of contact with industry.
- Entrepreneurship awareness activities: exhibitions, dedicated events, talks at educational institutions.
- Partnerships with major participants in the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem: Occitanie Region, Toulouse Métropole, Ad’Occ, France Entreprendre network, Créalia, La Mêlée, loT Valley, MOUVES, Incubateur du Barreau de Toulouse, In Extenso, etc.
- Co-construction of a radio show dedicated to startups (ça marchera jamais ! on Radio Campus).
- Regional selection of the PEPITE award: an award that promotes innovative business creation by students and young graduates and rewards the best projects.
2 levels of support
- Discovery level : Student Entrepreneur Status (SNEE).
Objective: to introduce interested students to the world of entrepreneurship, including those who may not have a project yet. - Emergence level : University Student Entrepreneur Diploma (D2E).
Objective: to acquire the knowledge / skills required to form the basis of an entrepreneurial project.
Discovery level is accessible to all students of the isdaT in the art, design or graphic design option from year 3. Selection on the basis of an application + opinion of the Director of Studies of the coordinating school. Emergence level is accessible to graduates of the isdaT.
Format = collective support
1 workshop / month: progress from an idea to the project, establishing the roadmap for your project, get to know the regional ecosystem…
Events, visits…
Free access to a coworking space.
Internship substitution: the possibility of replacing your end-of-study internship with a working period on the project (by agreement from the Director of Studies and subject to 50% minimum attendance at workshops).
Extension of student advantages for graduates.
Privileged access to Student Entrepreneur contests, such as Prix Pépite 2023.
Pépite Hours : These online meetings take place on Wednesdays from 6 pm to 7 pm, between May and September, and they allow beneficiaries of the program to share their experience as student entrepreneurs.
SNEE Calendar
- From April to September: submission of applications on the national platform and meeting with the entrepreneurship coordinator of the home institution.
- Mid-October: the engagement committee is held The SNEE is allocated until the following September.
- From November to June: support programme.
- January: second application period for the SNEE.
isdaT coordinator
David Mozziconacci