Continuing education

In line with its initial training, isdaT is committed to supporting dance and music professionals throughout their careers, both in developing their skills and maintaining their professional skills.


  • music and dance students
  • artists, musicians and dancers
  • teachers, artistic speakers and music and dance educators
  • candidates for the VAE for Diplôme d’État (2-year university degree) in music or dance education or for the competition of Public Service
  • artistic establishment director
  • educational coordinator
  • cultural mediators…

Continuing education leading to a diploma

Diplôme d’État (equivalent to a Bachelor degree) in dance education is available in continuing education. The training programme and the schedule are based on the initial training programme, but the curriculum can be adapted accordingly.

Masterclass avec Hervé Rumeau, décembre 2017

Qualifying continuing training

The isdaT offers occasionally qualifying training modules in music, dance and transversal themes. These modules are intended for all artist-teachers wishing to develop their professional culture and deepen or broaden the range of their knowledge and skills in their respective professions. This continuing professional training is also suitable for VAE candidates wishing to consolidate their knowledge prior to the procedure, as well as those who have obtained partial validation and wish to appear before the jury.

isdaT national quality certification

Musiciens DE et danseurs DE Jazz, 2015, photo Franck Alix
Musiciens DE et danseurs DE Jazz, 2015, photo Franck Alix
Musiciens DE et danseurs DE Jazz, 2015 © Franck Alix


  • Naïg Morcel, APEL and continuing training coordinator — — +33 (0)5 34 30 93 82
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