Lending library
The loan is personal: the equipment is loaned on presentation of a valid student card only.
The lending library consists of 1345 items and includes small tools, portable devices, wiring panels, cameras, digital recorders, camcorders, overhead projectors, computers, video projectors, TV screens, etc. On average 300 items are borrowed each and every day.
Hours of operation
7:45am – 5pm, excluding weekends, public holidays and school holidays.
In order to improve the longevity of certain equipment, the following devices can only be loaned during the opening hours of the lending library:
- D90, D610, D700 and D5300 cameras (with validation from the person in charge of the shooting studio or photography teachers),
- Video course camcorders reserved for year 1,
- Video projectors,
- Computers.
Any other material is available to students for one day or one night by reservation.
WikiTech is a site that provides technical and useful information to support students and that can be used on computers in the computer rooms and library at the isdaT Daurade campus.
It includes, in particular:
- school agendas: events, exhibition space openings,
- a complete listing of materials available at the store as well as the borrowing rules and help in the use of the above,
- the rules for hanging work in exhibition spaces,
- computer tips and tricks for the proper use of on-campus computers,
- information on safety in school,
- an introduction to the various technical staff.

- Lending library — magasin@isdat.fr — +33 (0)5 31 47 11 93