
The isdaT is a public higher education institution dedicated to art, design, graphic design, music and dance. Its substantial heritage is linked to a rich history since its creation as the Royal Academy in the 18th century.

Thanks to a committed team and a dynamic educational community, it produces significant research, creations and projects. Our conviction is that the editorial act is multifaceted: it makes content public and combines conceptual, formal and visual thought. It pays particular attention to the book object as a creation in its own right.

In order to share its creations and to produce meaning through an assertive editorial approach, isdaT formed a publishing house in 2022. This choice follows a long editorial history. Between research works, creative works and works to promote its heritage collections, isdaT editions offers several collections that are faithful to its missions. Two were launched in 2022 to inaugurate this initiative: the Formes collection and the Recherche collection.

The editions are available:

  • in bookshops,
  • online on this page (link to come),
  • order by email or on site at the isdaT site Daurade from Selena Bentaïba-Gil.

isdaT éditions
5 quai de la Daurade 31000 Toulouse France
Editorial management: Jérôme Delormas
Coordination: Anne Jourdain
Distribution: Les Presses du réel
Online sale: link to come or by mail to regie@isdat.fr
Postage: 3 €, free for orders over 35 €

Encre bleue, Imprimerie Art & caractères, Lavaur, 2022
Encre rouge, Imprimerie Art & caractères, Lavaur, 2022
Encre jaune, Imprimerie Art & caractères, Lavaur, 2022

Formes collection

Writing with and without: LabBooksInspired by the book Making Design by Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum (New York), the collection L’Univers des formes by Gallimard or La vie des formes by Henri Focillon, but also by editorial projects of the 90s such as the magazine Permanent Food, the collection Formes is created to highlight the works of the old collection of the isdaT. Richly illustrated, these 3000 art books deal with architecture, painting, sculpture, decorative arts or travel.

The principles of the collection

The aim of the collection is to produce picture books intended for both the general public and informed audiences. Each volume of the collection deals with a theme. For each theme, an artist-teacher from the isdaT is invited to take a subjective look at the collection of old books. This is done in dialogue with the manager of the heritage collections. A collective work is then set up with the graphic designers and the photographer.

Formes et couleurs: the decorative arts in the isdaT’s collection of old books

Published in April 2022, the first opus of the Formes collection, Formes et couleurs, is a catalogue/picture book that will inspire designers as well as art lovers, aesthetes and the curious. Valérie du Chéné and Anne Jourdain have selected forms and colors from the decorative art books of the old collection, from which the Stéréo Buro studio has drawn an iconological suite enhanced by the photographs of Jules Séverac.

Formes et couleurs, Valérie du Chéné, Toulouse, isdaT, 2022
Editorial management: Jérôme Delormas
Coordination: Anne Jourdain
Graphic design: Stéréo Buro
Printing: Art & Caractère, Lavaur
Distribution: Les Presses du réel
ISBN : 978-2-35699-057-0
25 €
Postage: 3 €
Online sale (link to come) or order at regie@isdat.fr

Costumes: a survey of the clothing, garments and adornment in the isdaT’s collection of old books

Costumes is the second picture book from the plates of the old collection. Valérie Vernet and Anne Jourdain have focused their choice on the representation of clothing, adornment, garments of “all times and all countries”, drawn and engraved in black or in color. A source of formal inspiration and reflection on the Western historical conception of “ancient peoples”, the graphic designers of Stéréo Buro and the photographer Jules Séverac have given life to this new iconographic suite.

Costumes, Valérie Vernet, Toulouse, isdaT, 2023
Editorial management: Jérôme Delormas
Coordination: Anne Jourdain
Graphic design: Stéréo Buro
Printing: Art & Caractère, Lavaur
Distribution: Les Presses du réel
ISBN : 978-2-35699-061-7
25 €
Postage: 3 €
Online sale (link to come) or order at regie@isdat.fr

Collection Formes n°1 Formes et couleurs : les arts décoratifs dans le fonds de livres anciens de l’isdaT, Valérie du Chéné, Toulouse, isdaT, 2022
Volume 2 Costumes : enquête sur le vêtement, l’habit, la parure dans le fonds de livres anciens de l’isdaT

Recherche collection

The Recherche collection gathers publications related to isdaT’s research groups, such as genre 2030, Global Tools or LabBooks.

Some works are designed by specific graphic designers, linked to the projects, others are designed by the studio Stéréo Buro which created the visual identity of isdaT.

genre 2030: isdaT 2020 – L.A.C. 2021, two workshops, a display and some other collaborative actions
Art Research

Published in February 2022.
The genre 2030 research program, directed by Hervé Sénant and Valérie du Chéné, has produced a year and a half of extensive texts and documentary images. This is a collaborative art research project where the notion of care is approached from a gender perspective.

genre 2030, collective work, Toulouse, isdaT, 2022
Speaker and graphic design: ana crews
Printing: Cassochrome, Waregem (BE)
Distribution: Les Presses du réel
ISBN : 978-2-35699-056-3
Postage: 3 €
Online sale (link to come) or order at regie@isdat.fr

Global Tools (1973-1975): Eco-Design: De-projet & Low Tech
Design Research

Published in March 2023.
The first French translation of the Bulletins, the Global Tools edition (1973-1975): Eco-Design: De-Project & Low Tech reports on the research initiated by Italian radical architecture and design in the 1970s. These artists, architects and designers have pioneered very contemporary issues questioning ecology, low tech and the notion of the project. Today, their bias is extended to innovative teaching methods focused “doing” and “making” through a revival of “Progettazione”.

Global Tools, ed. Nathalie Bruyère, Toulouse, isdaT, 2023
Graphic design: Stéréo Buro
Printing: Musumeci, Aoste (IT)
Distribution: Les Presses du réel
ISBN : 978-2-35699-059-4
Free postage
Online sale (link to come) or order at regie@isdat.fr

Writing with and without: LabBooks
Research in art and graphic design

Published in September 2023.
Write a book, not a text; write with pages that are turned, spaces and moments. Write with images, typography, lines and blanks as the thought takes shape. Write a guidebook as you would read a landscape, visit a novel as you would write an exhibition, listen to a book and write your reading of it. Writing with all this – and without. This book, combining 23 unpublished contributions, concludes several years of research of the LabBooks program led by Laurence Cathala, Sébastien Dégeilh, Jérôme Dupeyrat and Olivier Huz within the isdaT.

Edited by. L. Cathala, S. Dégeilh, J. Dupeyrat and O. Huz
Editorial and graphic design: Andréa Bouin, Estelle Brossard, Félix Charrier, Léa ChaumelLaurence Cathala, Sébastien Dégeilh, Jérôme Dupeyrat and Olivier Huz.
Printing: Reprint, Toulouse (FR)
Distribution: Les Presses du réel
ISBN : 978-2-35699-058-7
Postage: 3 €
Online sale (link to come) or order at regie@isdat.fr 

Collection Recherche, genre 2030 : isdaT 2020 - L.A.C. 2021, deux workshops, un display et quelques autres agissements collaboratifs, ouvrage collectif, Toulouse, isdaT, 2022
Collection Recherche, Global Tools (1973-1975) : Eco-Design : Dé-projet & Low Tech, recherche en Design, sous dir. Nathalie Bruyère, Toulouse, isdaT, 2022
Collection Recherche, Écrire avec et sans : LabBooks, sous dir. L. Cathala, S. Dégeilh, J. Dupeyrat et O. Huz, Toulouse, isdaT, 2023



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