gender 2030
The gender 2030 research programme questions the influence of gendered criteria on the evolution of practices, especially pictorial ones, and their exposure in the era of globalization and in return considers the influence of these practices on the evolution of our societies by the year 2030.
Gradually deconstructed, isolated and rediscovered during the 20th century by the successive works of psychoanalysts, sociologists and intellectuals, the notion of gender has spread worldwide in learned culture. Beyond this scientific boon, however, it is crucial that these ideas do not remain the prerogative of specialists and researchers in the social sciences, nor that of a few committed artists, but are widely popularized, discussed, appropriated and socially integrated, especially if we want to hope for real change in art and society towards a fairer and more egalitarian sharing of spaces and thus truly contribute to the “undoing the dominant norms of social existence” (Judith Butler, Défaire le genre) . This includes researching “how to create a world in which those who define their gender and desire to be non-normative can live and thrive without the external threat of violence and the overwhelming sense of their unreality.”
gender 2030 seeks to promote a singular appropriation of the notion of gender, to identify problematic situations stimulating the emergence of practices capable of thwarting the urge for domination, hierarchisation, competition, assignment such as they are often observed in how places, institutions and exhibition situations function and in the sometimes explicit but often implicit shared norms regarding space-time. gender 2030 endeavors to seek feasible alternatives, valuing instability, fluidity, interplay, collectivity, the sharing of visible spaces, the refusal of exclusion.
Open to all types of approaches, this research programme feeds on the interests and practices of participants, students, artists, theorists.
Selection of events
- Nicolas Puyjalon, artist, Toulouse
- Renaud Paque, landscaper, France
- Socheata Aing, artist, Toulouse
- Alexis Chrun, artist, Paris
- Emmanuel Simon, artist, Marseille
- Clément Rodzielski, artist, Paris
- Joan Ayrton, artist, director of studies at ENSBA, Paris
- Henry Kleine, artist, Berlin
- Kerstin Drechsel, artist, professor at the Kunsthochschule Kassel
- Nathalie Leroy-Fiévée, artist, Paris and Guyana
- Thomas Demoulin, artist, Paris.
- Echo, disgrace and chance, worskshop with Alexis Chrun and Socheata Aing, at the Chapelle Saint-Jacques contemporary art center of Saint-Gaudens, video report directed by Adrien Canto, isdaT partnership, April 2022.
- …from hand to hand, another practice, workshop with Emmanuel Simon in 310 space, isdaT Toulouse, September 2020.
- Our practices in other hands…, workshop with Clément Rodzielski at the Palais des arts, isdaT Toulouse, March 2020.
- Genre#Luminy: Use, landscape, cohabitation, workshop with Nathalie Leroy-Fiévée at the École Supérieure d’Art & de Design de Marseille Méditerranée (invitation by Katharina Schmidt), in partnership with isdaT, October 2017.
- Your body is Yours, workshop with Nathalie Leroy-Fiévée, with the assistance of Valérie Vernet and the screen printing workshop, isdaT. Display of 500 screen prints in the public space at La Reynerie, at the Stadium, place du Salin, Toulouse, March 2017.
- Workshop with Jagna Ciuchta and restitution at L’Adresse du Printemps in September in May 2016.
- Situations Post: Happy Sit-Crisis (1), workshops at the Villa Arson Art Centre, Nice, February 2016.
- I and we, workshop in Berlin Kunsthochschule Weißensee and installation “in progress” within the exhibition Brücke im Dschungel at Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz (Berlin) with students and graduates of isdaT and art schools in Hamburg , Weimar, Frankfurt, Saarbrücken, Dresden, Linz and Berlin (UDK & Weißensee), 2015.
- Politique de l’accrochage exhibition with Kerstin Drechsel at the Kunsthochschule Kassel, February 2014
- Space, Hope & Display—reshuffling the cards, at the LAC — Lieu d’Art Contemporain of Sigean (trailer directed by Adrien Canto), April 2021.
- ESADMM, Marseille, in situ display, ESADMM / isdaT partnership, 2017.
- Genre2030 at VISION at the Palais de Tokyo (invitation by ANdÉA), April 2016.
- Mur#20 , exhibition at isdaT fine arts, December 2015 – January 2016.
- Trouble in painting (exhibition and study day) isdaT / BBB art centre co-production, in partnership with the Delapeinture network, March 2015.
- Je et nous à la Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz (Berlin), décembre 2014.
Referent professors
Hervé Sénant and Valérie du Chéné
gender2030 research receives support from the Ministry of Culture; it has been part of the Peinture network since 2012.