Master in creation with organ
The composition with organ master offered together with the Université Toulouse — Jean Jaurès and the International Toulouse les Orgues Festival is aimed at organists wishing to work on creative musical project and is open to all musical aesthetics and/or multidisciplinary practices.
Double Degree
The composition with organ master offered at isdaT is a Master in Musical Interpretation issued jointly by the Université Toulouse — Jean Jaurès and isdaT.
It is aimed at students holding a DNSMP/Bachelor and/or a master in organ wishing to develop a personal organ project. In conjunction with the Université Toulouse — Jean Jaurès, and within an institution bringing together music, dance and visual arts, this Master allows students to develop the following:
- personal organ practice (transcription, improvisation);
- collaboration with musicians of other aesthetics (traditional or current music) or to mix music with other artistic forms;
- to work on all aspects of an artistic project: concept, organisation, dissemination, communication, mediation, in collaboration with the International Toulouse les Orgues Festival.
The Master is a 2nd year graduate diploma registered in the national repertory of professional certifications at level 7 (Bac+5) and is issued by the Université Toulouse — Jean Jaurès. This qualification is recognized by European institutions of higher education. The goal is a career as organist performer and the pursuit of doctoral studies.
Music pedagogy
The music department at the isdaT trains artists, performers and musician teachers, by developing their singularities thanks to what the establishment offers them: a dynamic learning space, promoting transversality, with dedicated, competent supervisory teams and advice.
Find out more about the pedagogy of the music department.
Administrative staff
Studies coordinator
Karina Cobo Dorado
Administrative assistant
Audrey Dejammes
+33 (0)5 34 30 43 64
Reception of the La Vache site
Maud Pivot
+33 (0)5 34 24 57 17
Coordinating professor
Born in Switzerland, Yves Rechsteiner was trained on organ and harpsichord in Geneva and Basel. Winner of several international competitions, he has been teaching basso continuo at the CNSMD de Lyon. He also runs the Toulouse les Orgues festival. Focusing on a reflection on organ music, he designs his concert programmes with his own arrangements of baroque, classical, symphonic and rock works. A fan of varied musical encounters, he collaborates with musicians from various musical worlds such as traditional and jazz.