In music

Accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL) for the Diplôme d’État de professeur de music (bachelor degree in music).

The APEL, according to the Law of January 17, 2002, may grant any person engaged in active life the right to validate their amassed experience, in particular professional, with a view to the acquisition of a diploma, a title for professional purposes or a qualification certification (…) as stipulated in the directory of professional certifications. This is one of the means of access to the Diplôme d’État de professeur de musique (equivalent to a Bachelor in music education) offered by isdaT, in all disciplines, fields and options for which isdaT is authorised (see: appendix 2 of the order of May 5, 2011 apended by the order of July 29, 2016).

Note: the disciplines of musical culture, writing and contemporary musical composition are not offered by this establishment.

There is no session scheduled for 2024.

Admission requirements

Admission requirements for this procedure:

  • No age limit
  • No nationality conditions
  • Provide proof of skills acquired in the exercise of salaried, non-salaried, voluntary or voluntary activities on a continuous or non-continuous basis, directly related to the activities and skills defined by the framework; of a cumulative duration of at least one year of teaching in the discipline, field and option concerned, corresponding to teaching totalling 20 hours per week over 30 weeks. (see: article 16 of the order of May 5, 2011 amended by the order of January 22, 2018). I.e. proof of having at least 600 hours of teaching experience in the applicable discipline, field and option.


  • Naïg Morcel, APEL and continuing training coordinator — — +33 (0)5 34 30 93 82
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