Becoming a partner
Higher education is a promising investment for the future, especially in times of crisis and particularly in the field of creation. In a constantly changing world, imagination, creation and creativity enable dynamic perspectives to emerge.
The isdaT is a public higher education institution dedicated to art, design, graphic design, music and dance. The different teaching courses offer a balance between practical, cultural and theoretical context, thus allowing students to be equipped to flourish and integrate into professional and social life. The isdaT therefore trains artists and creators in several fields, making this public higher education establishment a unique place in France for artistic and educational dialogue.
The isdaT conducts a voluntary and territorial structural policy of partnerships for the benefit of education, as well as the professional integration of its graduates both locally and internationally. Its mission is to bridge the gap between student life and professional life by developing partnerships with the cultural and industrial world so that our students are confronted with full-scale projects.
Becoming a partner of isdaT enables you to:
- Facilitate the access of young artists to the best professional networks;
- Expose students to the most relevant contemporary creators and performers in their field;
- Enable young artists to study in the best conditions;
- Enable isdaT to acquire technical equipment in order to ensure a state-of-the-art educational environment;
- Be an actor of the general interest in the territory.

The apprenticeship tax
Pay your apprenticeship tax for the benefit of public higher education and young creators in art, design, graphic design, music and dance.
What is it?
The apprenticeship tax is a tax payable by any business. It is equal to 0.68% of the company’s payroll. The provisions divide the proceeds of the apprenticeship tax into two parts:
- 87% finances the apprenticeship training;
- 13% finances the initial technological and professional training, excluding the apprenticeship; it is the “non-quota” or “scale” part that the company can pay to the establishments of its choice.
The isdaT, which provides Bac + 3, Bac + 5 training, is entitled to benefit from the apprenticeship tax as part of the non-quota share.
How does it work?
Since May 2023, companies are not able to send directly the payment of the non-quota share of the apprenticeship tax directly to the establishments they choose. The tax is collected by the URSSAF in the first place. Then, each company has the possibility to choose freely the establishments to which it wishes to pay the non-quota share of the apprenticeship tax, by going on the online platform: SOLTéA.
The isdaT, as a higher education establishment, is entitled to receive part of the apprenticeship tax which your company must pay. Its UAI code is 0310144N.
Why choose the isdaT on SOLTéA?
This enables it to strengthen its educational development activities and maintain a high level of multidisciplinary education for students.
Join a circle of companies eager to participate in the development of tomorrow’s talent, a source of influence for Toulouse and its region.

Make a donation
Supporting isdaT enables you to contribute to the professional success of young artists, in particular by supporting educational projects, the international mobility of students, the allocation of scholarships for our graduates, etc. Donations can be in cash, in skills or in kind.
What you make possible with your donation:
- access for students to artists of national and international renown;
- visibility of the work of young creators in exhibitions, concerts and other national and international events;
- the establishment of grants for the stays abroad of our students in partner schools;
- access to state-of-the-art technical equipment within isdaT.
What your donation brings to you:
- The “Aillagon” law of August 1st 2003 enables you to deduct a large part of your donation from your taxes: tax deduction of 66% (individuals and liberal professions) or 60% (companies), capped at 20% of the annual taxable income for an individual or 0.5% of the turnover for a company.
For an individual: cost of 34 euros for a donation of 100 euros
For a company: cost of 200 euros for a donation of 500 euros
- Integration into the isdaT file in order to be informed of all activities;
- Privileged access to events organized by isdaT;
- Presence of the first and last names of donors or the name of the company on the website of the institute.

Offer an internship
Internships are an integral part of the isdaT curriculum. The institute promotes internships abroad or in professional organisations. They take place on a compulsory basis in the first and second cycle. It is also possible to do additional internships outside the dedicated periods.
They allow students to combine their acquired knowledge and skills with the reality of the artistic world: festivals, art centres, galleries, artists’ studios, graphic designers’ studios, publishers, architectural firms, companies, etc. The objective is to immerse students in a professional experience as early as the first cycle and to enhance their professional career.
Note: The maximum number of weekly hours is 35 hours.
Would you like to send us an internship offer? We invite you to write to us at:
- for an internship intended for our students in art, design or graphic design:
- for an internship intended for our music students:
- for an internship intended for our dance students:

- Alain Combres, Interim General Manager —