Pedagogy of the dance department

The dance department at isdaT trains dancers capable of conducting dance lessons, improvisation and composition workshops for children and adults at all levels of the curriculum in contemporary, jazz and classic disciplines.

The training enables the acquisition of knowledge in pedagogy, anatomy and physiology with the objective of preserving the physical and mental integrity of the public. It offers insight into other artistic languages and the technical and qualitative enhancement of their mastery of dance. From the development of a theoretical and practical methodology, the student must be able to independently construct a personal and unique educational project in conjunction with the fundamentals of dance. These skills enable students to respond to the employment frameworks of the private or public sector by being able to integrate into a cultural and social context.

Degrees and training courses

Preparatory class for the Technical Proficiency Examination (EAT) and for graduate schools in contemporary or jazz

Diplôme d’État de professeur de danse — State Diploma in Dance Education in jazz, classical or contemporary dance, Bachelor’s Degree in Dance Education, in partnership with the Toulouse — Jean Jaurès University.



Spectacle d'ouverture des Journées Portes Ouvertes de l'isdaT, mars 2017 © Franck Alix
Stage autour de la pièce "Sacre 2" de Dominique Brun (recréation du "Sacre du printemps" de Vaslav Nijinski), avec le chorégraphe Maxime Guillon-Roi-Sans-Sac, novembre 2022
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